Darkhollow Hunter

About this Cosplay
This cosplay has been retired.
My hunter from Destiny! This was crafted for Megacon 2016 and also worn to Dragoncon 2016! it has since been retired due to poor choices with the material causing heat stroke and the helmet needing to be remade.
Crafting Details:
Video Game
Chest piece:
Under jacket/shirt using pattern Simplicity 1558.
Corset heavily modified using pattern Butterick 4254.
Legs piece:
Shorts using pattern Simplicity Amazing Fit 1696.
Chaps modified from pattern Mccall 7176.
The belts and bags were all free drafted.
Leg bands were 4″ Ace bandages bleached white!
Shoes were Nine West Women’s Towsley Suede Boot.
Arm piece:
Gloves were Zephyr Tactical Full Finger Gloves.
Bracers and other oddities were free drafted.
Cloak was modified from my original Kellslayer’s pattern!
Armor, Helmit and Gun made created by Mighty Mark Props